
Initial Examination and Assessment
On your first appointment it will be necessary to carry out a full examination and assessment of your injury to get to the bottom of it. This will begin with an in-depth discussion about your injury and how it happened etc. This will be followed by a thorough physical assessment. From this, an initial plan of therapy treatment and rehabilitation exercises can be formed. At each session you will be continually re-assessed to ensure that you are moving in the direction of recovery and that the treatment is suited to your need.

Injury Treatment
Treatment of your injury will include a variety of pain management techniques and rehabilitation exercises to get you back to your pre-injury state in the shortest possible time.
Treatment methods may include:
  • Peripheral and vertebral mobilisations
  • Sports massage
  • Soft tissue techniques - muscle energy techniques, PNF, myofascial trigger point release 

Injury Rehabilitation
Your injury rehabilitation programme will be an important part of your treatment to return you to full fitness. Exercises will progress from the early stages of rehabilitation right through to the late and pre-discharge stages. Your rehabilitation programme will be specific to you and your activity, and will aim to return you to full fitness as quickly and safely as possible.

Sports Massage Therapy:
  • relieves tension by stretching and mobilising tissues that cannot be directly targeted using self stretches
  • muscle fibres can be stretched using a variety of techniques enabling pain relief caused by tight muscles, and increasing flexibility
  • helps to reduce and break down scar tissue caused by injury
  • aids with the removal of lactic acid, and the uptake of oxygen
Sports massage therapy may be used in conjunction with other treatment techniques, as a treatment by itself, or as pre and post massage treatment at sporting events. We have also now branched out in to the corporate sector, offering sports massage at your workplace for all employees. Please contact us for more information on this service.

Pitchside/Event First Aid
All members of the Society of Sports Therapists are required to hold a current and valid first aid qualification. As such, Jo is able to offer pitchside first aid cover for sporting events.

Musculoskeletal Screening and Functional Testing
Pre-season musculoskeletal screening and functional testing can detect medical conditions that may prevent an athlete from safe participation in their sport. From this prehabilitation programmes can be designed and ideally have the athlete at full fitness for the beginning of the season.

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