Friday 20 September 2013

Single Leq Squat Test

The single leg squat is a great functional test to assess hip muscle function and stability of the lower extremity. When performing the squat it is important to look at the positioning of the knee throughout the movement - deviation inwards suggests weakness of the hip abductors and external rotators, and tightness of the hip adductors.

Try the test yourself... stand in front of a mirror, raise one leg off the floor (as pictured below) and slowly squat down to a comfortable level. Repeat this 3-5 times on both legs.

Does your knee deviate inwards? If this is the case, try a few exercises to strengthen your glutes and VMO (one of your quadricep muscles), together with stretching your adductors, biceps femoris and TFL muscles, and try the test again in a few weeks to see if there is an improvement.

If you would like some exercises as suggested above, please contact me and I will be happy to help.

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