Friday 20 September 2013

The Importance of Core Exercises

A strong core promotes strength and stability to the whole body, in particular the pelvis, hip, and lower back areas. The advantages of improving your core strength can improve the quality of your everyday life, and reduce muscular problems such as lower back pain, as well as improving your balance, co-ordination, and flexibility.

Three main exercises that can improve your core are, as recommended by Dr Stuart McGill, a professor of Spinal Biomechanics are: Curl Up, Side Bridge, and Birddog.

Curl Up - Varies from a standard crunch - there should be no movement through the lumbar spine, and the entire spine should remain in neutral throughout. Compared to a crunch, the curl up involves little curl and the upper body and neck remain elongated.

Side Bridge - Also known as side plank. Can be performed on knees to begin with, but progress to feet as core strength develops.

Birddog - From quadruped positon, lift alternate arm and leg. Making a fist can increase the tension in the extended arm. (see image below).

For a personalised and more progressive core exercise programme please contact Jo who will be happy to help

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