Monday 24 November 2014

How Good is Your Balance?

Balance is the ability to stay upright or to stay in control of body movement, and can be either static or dynamic. Static balance is maintaining equilibrium when stationary, whilst dynamic balance is maintaining equilibrium when moving. It is an important component in many sports, and is one of the most important physical attributes in sports such as gymnastics and surfing, as well as in the rehabilitation process of ankle and foot injuries. The simple procedure outlined below tests static balance....

- Remove your shoes and place hands on hips or down by side
- Flex the non-testing leg to a 90 degree angle behind
- Keep the knees no wider than shoulder width apart
- Hold this position for as long as possible

Timing is stopped if:
- The hands come off the hips or move away from side
- The supporting foot swivels or moves in any direction
- The knees move more than shoulder width apart

Scoring (in seconds):
- Excellent - >50
- Good - 40-49
- Average - 25-39
- Fair - 10-24
- Poor - <10

Have a go, and feel free to post your scores below!

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