Monday 24 November 2014

Piriformis Syndrome - Pain in the Bum?!

If you suffer from pain in the lower back and/or buttocks, which may radiate down the backs of the legs as well, then you could be suffering from Piriformis Syndrome.

The piriformis muscle runs behind the hip joint and over the sciatic nerve. It can become tight from too much sitting, or can be strained by spasm or overuse. In Piriformis Syndrome, this tightness or spasm causes the muscle to compress and irritate the sciatic nerve. This brings on lower-back and buttock pain, sometimes severe, and is easily confused with sciatica.

Runners, cyclists and rowers are the athletes most at risk for Piriformis Syndrome, as they engage in movements which can weaken hip adductors and abductors, the muscles that allow us to open and close our legs.

Rest from aggravating activities and NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen) are options for initial treatment, but stretching the piriformis muscle itself, as well as the muscles surrounding it, may provide you with some instant relief. Have a go at the stretches shown below and see if they help you.

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