Monday 31 December 2012

Top Tips to Prevent Injuries in the New Year

So 2013 is very nearly here, and many of us will be looking to burn off those extra pounds gained over the Christmas and New Year period. So whether you are just beginning a new exercise programme for the first time, or stepping up the intensity of your existing programme, it is essential to take the correct steps to progress at the right pace and avoid injuries.

Here are 7 top tips to prevent injury during exercise, particularly if you are new to the fitness world:
  1. Health Check - Get yourself checked over by your doctor or a personal trainer before the beginning of a new exercise programme. You may have undiagnosed conditions, and exercise will need to be modified accordingly.
  2. Warm Up - One of the most important steps to prevent injury. A good, proper warm up will get the blood flowing and should consist of about 10-15 minutes of cardio and stretching.
  3. Make sure you are adequately fuelled - Eating about 2 hours before exercising will help fuel your exercise and help avoid fatigue. Get the balance right, exercising on a full stomach is just as bad as exercising on an empty stomach!
  4. Make sure you are well watered - Make sure you are well hydrated! Aim to consume a pint of water in the hour leading up to your workout, and then throughout exercise to replace the fluids lost. 
  5. Gradually increase intensity - When starting an exercise programme for the first time, we often go in too hard, too soon. Give your body time to get used to the increase in exercise. Begin with moderate exercise of about 20 minutes, 3 times a week, and gradually build on this.
  6. Rest and Recover - In addition to taking it easy at the start, make sure you give your body some days off! Exercising too much can lead to overtraining and can affect your health and sleep patterns.
  7. Listen to your body - Pay attention to what your body is telling you! If you feel light headed, dizzy, or feel you may have an injury throughout your session, stop! Pushing through acute pain will often lead to longer term, chronic pain and may stop you from exercising all together!
In addition to the tips above, it is important to keep your muscles supple and in tip-top condition! Sports massage and foam rolling are 2 of the best ways of doing this (see my previous blog on sports massage to understand the full effects), and will go a long way in helping to keep injuries at bay!

Happy New Year from Rise Sports Therapy,  we wish you an injury-free 2013!

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