Monday 24 November 2014

The Hidden Truth About Wearing Heels....

Most women love to put on a pair of heels for a night out, or even for a day at the office, but how many of us actually realise the effect it has on our body?

According to studies, women in high heels walk with shorter, more powerful strides, using their muscles rather than their tendons, thereby leading to muscle fatigue and increased risk of injury. Essentially, wearing high heels contracts the calf muscle, shortens it, and puts more mechanical strain on it. But it is not just the calf muscles that are effected.....

Feet - Wearing heels shifts much of your mass on to the balls of your feet and toes, forcing you to change your natural stride pattern.

Ankles - Wearing heels forces your ankles to bend forward, a movement that could restrict circulation in your lower limbs. It also stiffens your Achilles tendon, causing your calves to bunch up.

Knees - Frequent high heel use can put extra stress on the inside of the knees, causing wear and tear that can lead to osteoarthritis.

Hips - In order to keep yourself upright whilst wearing heels, you have to thrust your hips forwards, arching your back, and pushing out your chest, putting increased strain on the outer hips and tendons.

Back - Walking around in high heels causes your spine to sway unnaturally, a process that stresses your lumbar muscles, resulting in a sore back.

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