Monday 24 November 2014

Upper Cross Syndrome.... It's in Your Posture

We looked at Lower Cross Syndrome a few weeks ago, and Upper Cross Syndrome is caused by many of the same factors; poor posture, especially when working at a computer, coupled with long periods of time sitting hunched up.

In Upper Cross Syndrome, tightness of the upper traps crosses with tightness of the pecs, and weakness of the deep cervical flexors cross with weakness of the middle and lower traps.

This pattern of imbalance creates specific postural changes - forward head posture, increased cervical lordosis and thoracic kyphosis, elevated and protracted shoulders, and rotation or abduction and winging of the scapulae. These postural changes decrease shoulder stability and cause the levator scapula and upper traps muscles to work harder.

Specific stretching and strengthening exercises can be prescribed to help combat this problem, so please get in touch if you think you may be suffering from Upper Cross Syndrome.

Bit lost?! Take a look at the picture which will hopefully help to explain the condition further.

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